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As of February 3, 2024, I am going to be taking a gap year where I am not beholden to a typical law firm employment agreement. If you want the reasons, go dig in the blog. The practical upshot is that I can actually accept tasks outside of the firm environment. To be clear, I'm doing this more as a public service and for fun than actually looking for income. Don't just come up with stuff just for my benefit!

So, if you want to engage your favorite neighborhood Dewy to do, look into, or consult on something, you're in luck! All you have to do is fill out the form below and see what happens. The request can be as simple as an online tarot reading or writing you a poem and as complex as multi-person shennanigans in Times Square. The only limits to what you present (scope, type of help, etc.) are your imagination. 


I'm happy to do things remotely or in person (I'm NYC based, but for the right task, I'll travel).


(but remember I have absolute discretion)

1. No task should be seen as accepted until I expressly say so. Presenting your task to me does not guarantee that I'll accept it.

2. I will not get paid in money. Don't get me wrong, payment will be negotiated (though, if your task is appealing enough, payment may not be required). But I don't want your money; my taxes are annoying enough as it is. Expenses are another issue, but those probably won't be required for most tasks.

3. The task must be colorably/plausibly legal. I'm definitely no square and I'm open to discussion, but I really don't want to fight the government any more than I have to. Also, if it's a question between me and you, I'm picking me. Just sayin'.

4. I am not being employed as an attorney in any way. If I just wanted to practice law with this time, I'd have gone to another firm!

5. I'll keep confidentiality for the most part, but I will also need license to talk a bit about things on the blog (at a minimum; we can discuss confidentiality needs and figure things out).


A Dewy Task

Great! You have something that you think could use my talents. But let's get started with some info about you.

I don't do everything people ask. So to start, let's verify that your task meets some basic criteria (and remember that you should not consider a task "accepted" until we later agree on stuff).

Is this legal?

I try to be a woman of my word but circumstances change (and sometimes I discover something that requires reassessment). I don't accept tasks planning to bail. But I need the option.

Now that we understand each other, let's get into the actual task you had in mind!

Skills Required (select all that apply)

I know that tasks don't just come out of the ether. I don't mind if you are acting in self-interest, but I need to know your reasoning here to ensure that we are aligned.

And, lastly, what's in it for me? Remember, I'm not interested in money. The more creative/silly you are, the better.

I will try to respond to all submissions. However, if you do not hear back, you should assume that I've passed on the task. But, if you want to verify, please contact me via the home page submission form.

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